CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. Infusions of ash, alder buckthorn, juniper , marsh mallow, fairy flax, blue mallow, dandelion , couch-grass, hemp agrimony, raspberry bush, curled dock, or elder. Out of infusion 2 to 3 cups a day : 1 part of blue mallow, 1 part of hemp agrimony, 1 part of alder buckthorn, 1 part of marsh mallow. Increase the consumption of vegetables and complete cereals to increase the quantity of fibres and drink more. An old remedy : Eat some prunes. Eat raw linseeds (except in case of thyroid problem) mixing them with food, 1 to 2 spoons a day. 20 g of linseeds (except in case of thyroid problem), 8 g of licorice for 1/2 liter of boiling water, let macerate 2 hours, to drink in a day. 30 g of marsh mallow for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes, 4 to 5 cups a day. 1 soup spoon of blue mallow for 1 cup of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes, 3 cups a day. Alder buckthorn is very efficient it is necessary to gradually increase the amount to avoid a too strong effect. Make boil half a coffee spoonful in a quarter of liter of water during 5 minutes, let infuse 10 minutes, 1 cup before sleeping. Mix 75 cl of white wine and 20 g of lentils boil 5 minutes and drink 1 glass after each meal. Decoction of blue mallow, marsh mallow, globularia vulgaris, hemp agrimony, alder buckthorn : 5 g of mixture per cup, 1 cup before sleeping. Take olive oil to which one adds some lemon drops ; 1 soup spoon each morning. ou Sweet almond oil; 3 soup spoons in the morning, only 1 soup spoon for children and old men. ou Castor oil, very beneficial in spite of its bad taste; 1 soup spoon in the morning for adult, only 1 coffee spoon for children. Eat : complete corn, vegetables : aubergines, white beets, carrots, wild spinach, spinaches, onions, sorrel, leeks, potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes. Add in the salad : fragments of carragheen soaked 5 minutes in water, fresh mallow leaves, plantain leaves. Eat raw fruits : red cherries, currants, blackberries, oranges, peach, apples, plums, grape. In the morning a compote of plum, figs, of pumpkin. Mixed decoction of alder buckthorn, 3 g of bark (dried since at least 1 year) in 150 g of water, boil 20 minutes, let cool and macerate 5 to 6 hours, filter, add 3 g of marsh mallow root. or Decoction of couch-grass, 30 g of fresh rhizome in a little water, quickly boil, change the water, boil 15 minutes, add licorice, 10 g of dried wood, filter; 3 to 4 cups a day. or Infusion of dodder, 30 g for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 5 minutes, filtrer ; 2 cups a day. or Decoction of barbery, 40 g of bark for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes, let infuse 10 minutes; 3 cups a day. or Decoction of hemp agrimony, 30 g of chopped roots for 1 liter of water, boil 2 minutes, let infuse 15 minutes; 1 cup before each meal. or Infusion of raspberry bush, 20 g of leaves for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes; 2 cups a day. or ash sap, 2 g mixed with a coffee spoon of jam in the morning. or Powder of madder, 1 g of pulverized root in a honey spoon, in 2 times a day. or Infusion of wild fairy flax, 50 g in 1 liter of boiling water; 3 cups a day. or Decoction of curled dock, 20 g of chopped root for 1 liter of water, boil 5 minutes, let infuse 5 minutes ; drink in 48 hours. or Infusion of creeping thyme, 10 g for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes ; 3 cups a day. or Decoction of elder, 80 g of dried berries in 1 liter of water, boil 3 minutes, filter; half a glass in the morning, half a glass before sleeping. WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |