CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. Infusions of burdock, winter cherry, corn flower, birtch, borrage, heather, blackcurrant, broom, juniper, english holly, marjoram, blue mallow, melilot, bogbean, wild marjoram, elm, nettle, heartsease, poplar, pine, dandelion, horsetail, blackcurrant, meadowsweet, ash, rosemary, smilax, soapwort, sage, willow, groundsel, elder, or thyme. Infusion of horsetail 1 cup in the morning, 1 tasse in the evening and infusion of nettle 4 cups a day. In external use, crush a cabbage leave and apply directly in cataplasm on the painful articulation, make a binding, keep at least 30 minutes up to 2 hours. Decoction of blackcurrant, ash, birtch, meadowsweet, winter cherry, willow, of lime tree sapwood, chicory, burdock, Marian thistle : 40 g of mixture for 1 liter of water, to drink like a beverage. Decoction of dried apple peels : 50 g for 1 liter of water to drink like a beverage. Decocoction of horsetail 2 soup spoons for 1 liter of water, 3 to 6 cups a day. To drink every morning a fresh lemon juice. Baths of thyme. In case of articular embarrassment : decoction of ash, birtch, chicory, vine : 5 g of mixture, 4 cups a day. Decoction of birtch, ash, meadowsweet, nightshade, cherries stalks, blackcurrant, winter cherry, pear-tree, apple peels, willow bark : 50 g of mixture for 1 liter of water, to drink like a beverage. Decoction of burdock, ash, blackcurrant, indian corn, meadowsweet, willow bark, birtch : 40 g of mixture for 1 liter of water, drink at will during 3 weeks and make a break. Serosities in the articulations : Decoction of fumitory, smilax : 5 g of mixture per cup, 4 cups a day. Crushed chopped raw cabbage leaves mixed with clay to make a paste to be applied to the painful articulation. Eat some radishes with their leaves at lunch. Infusion of wild celery, 70 g for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes, 2 cups a day during 3 weeks. Infusion of snakeroot, 15 g of dried root for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 15 minutes, 2 cups a day during 3 weeks. Decoction of wild cherry, 60 g of cherry stalks for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes, 2 cups a day during 3 weeks. Decoction of nightshade, 10 g of young branches bark, for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes, filter; the following days slowly increase the amount up to 20 g per 1 liter ; 2 cups per day during 3 weeks. Decoction of smilax, 40 g of dried root for 1 liter of water, boil 20 minutes, 2 cups a day during 3 weeks. Mixed decoction of smilax 30 g of root, and soapwort 10 g of root, boil 10 minutes, filter immediately, 2 cups a day during 3 weeks. Cataplasm of castor-oil plant fresh crushed leaves. Apply a compress soaked in an infusion of creeping thyme, 50 g of flowered tops for 1 liter of boiling water. To eat : Raw or cooked garlic, fresh lemon juice, cooked pumpkin pulp. 3 weeks care : celery juice 50 g a day, or pear juice 200 g a day, or tomato juice 300g a day. 8 days care with juice of : of cherry 100 g a day, wild sorrel 150 g a day. In case of painful crisis : Wine of tansy (dangerous in case of overdose) : 60 g of flowered tops, let soak 8 days in 1 liter of sweet wine ; 1 small glass after the meals. Infusions made in 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes, 3 cups a day during 3 weeks : winter cherry, 50 g of berries. or birtch, 30 g of leaves. or borage, 30 g of leaves. or blackcurrant, 50 g of leaves or heartsease, 10 g of dried plant without root. or poplar, 20 g of buds. or 50 g of dried apple peels powder. or cowslip, 25 g of flowers. or meadowsweet, 50 g of flowers. or lime-flower, 20 g of flowers. Decoctions in 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes, let infuse 5 minutes, 2 cups a day during 10 days : snakeroot 8 g of root - corn flower 20 g of plant without root - ash 30 g of leaves - english holly 30 g of leaves - Indian corn 30 g of beard - elm 70 g of bark - nettle 40 g of leaves - parsley 40 g of root - dandelion 40 g of root - willow 20 g of bark Apply to the painful articulation : Very thick Cataplasm of : burdock leaves cooked in water, raw cabbage leaves, raw onion discs, fresh creeping thyme heated in the frying pan, thyme, fresh vervain cooked in vinegar. or Revulsive Cataplasm of : Black mustard powder, horseradish fresh pulp. or maintain arm or leg in a cushion of fresh birtch leaves. Plunge the painful articulation in : Heather bath, 150 g of plant for 1 liter of water or Mixed bath 30 g of rosemary and 20 g of elder, for 1 liter of water boiled with a handful of salt. Take a bath with : heather, couch-grass, broom and lavander mixed, 30 g of each, let infuse several hours, pour in the bath. or Fern rhizome, pine needles and buds. Compress with : Decoction of climbing ivy, 60 g of leaves for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes. or Decoction of Solomon seal, 60 g of rhizome, boil 5 minutes in 1 liter of water. Rub the painful articulation with a preparation made in advance : Cream of yarrow, mix 15 g of fresh juice with 15 g of lard. or Oil of heather, let soak 8 days, 100 g of chopped flowered tops in 0,5 liter of olive oil, stir up each day, filter. or Oil of lavander, let soak 3 days in a sunny place, 40 g of flowers in 1 liter of olive oil, filter. or Oil of bay-tree, let soak 24 hours, 50 g of dried leaves in 50 g of alcohol 70%, then add 0,5 liter olive oil and heat with the bain-marie without boiling during 5 to 6 hours, filter, preserve in bottle. Sleep on a mattress : of fresh royal fern or fern or elder leaves. WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |