Mother nature is the most sophisticated laboratory. The point is to learn how to use its resources advisedly. This illustrated guide, made up of a plants dictionary will help you there. You will be able to get informations about various medicinal plants, their properties, find preparations examples. You will also find a directory of usefull links, as well as informations about collect storage and preservation of medicinal plants. Interested in the medicinal plants I started The Small Illustrated Herbalist for my personal use in 1998. The Small Illustrated Herbalist is now visited every day by hundreds of persons in search of informations on medicinal plants. Do not hesitate to send me your suggestions, your encouragements are always welcome !!! Encyclopédie des plantes médicinales, LAROUSSE. Nos Grand-mères savaient, Jean PALAISEUL. Phyto-aromathérapie pratique, Marcel BERNADET. Les plantes et les huiles essentielles mode d'emploi, Denis LAMBOLEY. Recettes santé de nos grand'mères, Germaine COUSIN-ZERMATTEN. L'herbier des montagnes, François COUPLAN. A modern Herbal, Plants For A Future, Les guérisons, Maria TREBEN ...
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