(Rubus fruticosus)

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Sub-shrub of the hedges and the underwoods of 0,20 to 2 m of which one uses leaves, flowers and fruits.

Blackberry leaves are very astringent used to heal mouth ulcers or strengthen the gums. In decoction they put an end to diarrhoeas and calms heumorroids. Out of herb tea or gargarism for coughs, sore throat.
Also : Angina, leucorrhea, diabetes, haemorrhages, lithiasis, oliguria.
In external use : Mouth ulcers, gums, gingivites, hoarseness, pharyngitis, ulcers, wounds, leucorrhea.

Decoction : One spoonful for one cup of water, boil 2 minutes then let infuse 10 minutes ; 3 cups a day beteween meals.

Decoction : One handful in one liter of water, boil 15 minutes, add 3 spoonfuls of honey for gargles and mouthwash.

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blackberry, Rubus fruticosus