CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. Decoction of quassia wood, white horehound, hop, gentian, colombo root, wormwood, centaury, wall germander, bogbean, sage, walnut tree, blessed thistle, periwinkle or dwarf thistle root. In case of vitamin insufficiency, mineral salts, oligo-elements, decoction of bogbean, nettle, horsetail, sage, curled dock, gentian, alfalfa : 5 g of mixture per cup, 1 cup before the meals. Take corn germ, flowers pollen. Decoction of celery seeds, gentian, bogbean, centaury, sage, chicory, blessed thistle, white horehound, colombo, kola : 5 g of mixture per cup, drink 1 cold cup before the meals. WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |