CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. Infusions of birtch, sweet sedge, angelica, roman camomile, centaury, fenugreek, fumitory, germander, melissa, mint, bogbean, origano, periwinkle, willow, creeping thyme, hop, speedwell, or juniper. To stimulate the appetite decoction of sage, germander, centaury, colombo root : 5 g per cup, 1 cup before each meal. Wine of wormwood, to macerate one week 40 g of dried leaves flowers in 60 g of aqua-vitae 28°, add 1 liter of good white wine, let macerate 1 week, filter, keep in bottle; 1 small glass before each of the two principal meals. Wine of mugwort, 50 g of dried flowered tops macerated 30 days in 1 liter of wine; filter; 1 small glass before each meal. Wine of roman camomile, 50 g of flowers, let macerate 30 days in 1 liter of wine, filter, 1 small glass before each meal. Wine of caperbush : let macerate 4 days 40 g of dried caperbush root-bark with 80 g of ash bark in 1 liter of red wine, filter, 1 small glass twice a day. Wine of centaury, 60 g of flowered tops, let infuse in 1 liter of boiling wine, let macerate 30 minutes, filter, keep in bottle, 1 small glass before each meal. Wine of blessed thistle, let infuse 30 g of flowered tops in 1 liter of boiling wine; 1 small liquor glass before one of the two meals. Wine of marian thistle, let infuse 30 minutes, 30 g of mixed leaves and roots in 1 liter of boiling red wine, filter, let cool down, 1 small glass before each meal. Wine of juniper let macerate and ferment during 1 month in a barrel, 1 kg of juniper bays in 20 liters of water, preserve in bottles, 1 small glass each meal. Wine of gentian, let macerate 12 days, 40 g dried roots,chopped, in 1 liter of good white wine, filter, keep in stopped bottles. 1 glass before each meal. Wine of germander, let infuse 15 minutes, 40 g of dried flowered tops, in 1 liter of boiling wine, filter, keep in stopped bottles, 1 small glass before each meal. Wine of wild gooseberry, let infuse 20 minutes in 1 liter of good boiling wine, 100 g of young growths, filter, 1 glass before each meal. Wine of white horehound, let macerate 15 days, 50 g of dried flowered tops and leaves in 1 liter of good white wine, filter, 1 small glass before the two principal meals. Wine of melissa, make a decoction of 20 g of flowered tops for 1 liter of white wine, boil 3 minutes, 3 soup spoonfuls 3 times a day. Wine of bogbean, 10 g of fresh leaves fraīches in 1 liter of boiling red wine, let infuse 10 minutes; 2 soup spoons before each meal. Wine of periwinkle, 50 g of dried leaves and 20 g of roman camomille flowers, let macerate 10 days in 1 liter of red wine, filter, 1 small glass before each meal. Wine of rhubarb, let macerate 8 days 100 g of dried chopped root in 100g of aqua-vitae 28°; on the other hand put 100 g of sugar in 1 liter of red wine and 10 g of orange zest, mix the 2 preparations, remove the orange zest, filter after 8 days, preserve in stopped bottles; 1 liquor glass before the meal. Infusion of angelica, 50 g of seeds for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 15 minutes, filter with honey, 1 cup before the 2 principal meals. Angelica liquor : let macerate 6 days, 40 g of fresh chopped stems in 1 liter of alcohol 28°, add 1 pound of sugar and 1 liter of water, let macerate one week, filter, preserve in stopped bottles; 1 small glass before each of the two principal meals. Liquor of orange tree and lemon tree : let macerate 10 days in alcohol 28°, 200 g of bitter orange peels and 200 g of pieces of lemon peel, crush, filter, add 1 kg of sugar, preserve in stopped bottles; 1 small glass before the meals. Decoction of elecampane 15 to 25 g of dried roots for 1 liter of water, boil 5 minutes; 1 cup before each meal. Infusion of fenugreek, 20 g of seeds for 1 liter of boiling water; 1 cup before each meal. Hop Infusion , 15 g of dried cones for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes; 1 cup before each of the two principal meals. Infusion of masterwort, 15 g of dried roots for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes; 2 cups a day. Infusion of wild marjoram oregano, 20 g of dried flowered tops for 1 liter of boiling water, do not let infuse more than 2 minutes, filter; 2 cups a day. Decoction of common speedwell, 80 g of dried flowered tops for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes ; 2 cups a day. Add to the dishes: garlic, cumin, tarragon, parsley, saffron, thyme. Eat watercress, horseradish, tomato, celery. To decrease the appetiteCold Maceration of valerian, 25 g of fresh root in 0,25 liter of water, during a night; drink 1 glass of this cold preparation 10 minutes before the 2 principal meals.WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |