CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. Peppered mint herb tea. Ginger against nausea. Sea sickness : Infusion of sage, mint, orange tree : 5 g of mixture per cup. Infusion of wormwood, 15 g of flowered tops for 1 liter d'boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes, filter; 2 cups a day. Decoction of Marian thistle, 1 g of seeds powder pour 1 cup of water, boil 10 minutes ; drink the week preceding the departure. Decoction of Iceland lichen, 15 g of plant for 1 liter of water, boil 30 minutes, filter, let cool; to drink not sweetened. Wine of bogbean, let soak 8 days, 50 g of dried leaves in 1 liter of red wine, stir it up from time to time, filter ; 1 liquor glass twice a day. WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |