CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. Mouth baths with lemon juice and honey diluted in water. Decoction of wild heartsease, walnut tree, soapwort root : 5 g of mixture per cup, 3 cups a day. Mouth baths with a decoction of basil, marsh mallow, oak : 5 g of mixture per cup, several times a day. Mouth baths with a decoction of of bilberry leaves. Eat bilberries, keep the juice a while in the mouth before swallowing. Mouth baths with a decoction of nettle, 100 g of dried plant for 1 liter of water, boil 20 minutes. Mouth baths with a decoction of horsetail, 50 g of fresh plant or 20 g of dried plant for 1 liter of water, boil 30 minutes and reduce. Mouth baths with a decoction of blackberry, 100 g of fresh leaves for 1 liter of water, boil 20 minutes. Mouth baths with an infusion of tormentil, 20 g of dried rhizome for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 15 minutes WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |