CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. Infusions of passion flower, pasque flower, hawthorn, bird's foot, willow blanc, black horehound, dog rose, sweet marjoram, lime tree or valerian. 1 part of bird's foot, 1 part of passion flower, 1 part willow bark, 1 part of hawthorn in infusion 2 cups a days of which 1 before going to sleep. St. John's wort is antidepressant, efficient against anxiety or nervousness. NERVOUSNESS: Decoction of valerian, peony, black horehound, motherwort, bird's foot, vervain, angelica, willow, hawthorn : 5 g of mixture per cup to drink at will during 3 weeks then stop 1 week. or Infusion of hawthorn, woodruff, bird's foot, motherwort, valerian, basil, passion flower : 5 g of mixture per cup, 2 cups a day between the meals. OVERWORK : Infusion of quinquina, centaury, summer savory, angelica, mint : 5 g of mixture per cup to drink before the meals. or Wine of sage : Let soak several days, 70 g of leaves in 1 liter of red wine ; 1 glass before lunch. Add to the food : soya in all its forms, flours, seeds, germs, oil and milk of soya. Eat oats, apples and grape. To facilitate the sleep of overworked people : Wine of angelica, let soak 3 days, 50 g of plant in 1 liter of white wine ; 1 small glass before the meals. or Infusion of passion flower, 30 g of flowers for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes ; 1 cup before sleep. or Infusion of rosemary, 20 g of flowered tops for 1 liter of boiling water ; 1 cup in the morning. WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |