CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. MAINTENANCE OF THE HOUSINGTo disinfect to move away parasites :Once cleaned and emptied buildings, close doors and windows and to make burn dried garlic stems and Cayenne pepper. To move away flies : Suspend on the ceiling a bunch of mugwort where the flies will bind themselves; make fall the bunch in a bag and burn it. or Put a branch of alder tree in the hen houses, burn it once covered of parasites. To move away fleas and bugs : Put on beds walnut tree leaves, or tansy. CARE OF THE ANIMALSAgainst flies and horseflies : Wash the fleece with a decoction of alder, 80 g of leaves for 1 liter of water. or Wash the fleece with a decoction of common spindle, 50 g of leaves for 1 liter of water. Against lices : Wash the animal with a concentrated infusion of walnut tree leaves then powder with dried wormwood powder or southernwood. or Wash the fleece with water and soap, then rub with a concetrated decoction of quassia. Against all external parasites : Pyrethrum powder is a violent poison for cold-blooded animals. Watch your tortoises and lizards. Use pyrethrum powder. Inoffensive for warm-blooded animals, which can lick themselves without risk; for birds, insufflate the powder under the feathers; or Add pyrethrum powder to your pets shampoos Pyrethrum powder is a violent poison for cold-blooded animals. Watch your tortoises and lizards Against spider and insect bites : Rub the bites with : a raw garlic or onion bulb crushed in vinegar or lemon juice or green tomato juice. or To prepare in advance in a bottle : rosemary + wormwood + southernwood crushed in 2 soup spoons of vinegar, supplement with olive oil; stop and let soak 3 weeks in a sunny place. Against mange Bathe the animal, brush it with a very soapy water, rinse it, and then : Wash with camphorated alcohol prepared with 100 g of alcohol 90% and 10 g of camphor; let macerate 8 days. or Wash with a maceration of arnica, let soak 8 days, 10 g of flowers in 1 liter of brandy. or Wash with a concentrated decoction of : 1 handful of elder leaves, 1 handful of a whole garlic plant and 1 handful of Robert geranium for 1 liter of water; boil 15 minutes. or Rub with a concentrated infusion of rosemary, then with castor oil. Against parasites in the ears Pour some tepid linseed oil drops. To accelerate cicatrization of the wounds Aloes tincture, let soak 10 g of dried leaves in 50 g of alcohol or vinegar. or Decoction of wormwood, 50 g of flowered tops and leaves for 1 liter of water. or Infusionof agrimony, 100 g of flowered tops and leaves for 1 liter of boiling water. To stop bleedings Bathe the wound with an infusion of acorn cupula, then powder it with black pepper or rosemary powder. or Wash the wound with an infusion of comfrey or rosemary or elder, 1 handful of fresh plant for 1 liter of boiling water, to which one adds 25 g of daisy. Against rheumatic pains or lungs diseases Rub the rib cage or the painful part with alder fresh leaves. FOR CATSHepatorenal affections : Infusion of Java tea, 0,50 g of leaves pour 1 cup of water. Bronchitis and cold : Infusion of eucalyptus, 20 g of leaves for 1 liter of boiling water, very sweetened ; 2 cups a day. or Inhalation of eucalyptus, 50 g for 1 liter of water ; the cat is placed in its basket on a chair above the pan, covered with a blanket. Constipation : Decoction of alder buckthorn, 0,50 g of dried bark (dried since at least 2 years) for 1 cup of water, boil 30 minutes, let soak 4 hours, filter. Diarrhoea : Infusion of purpleloosestrife, 50 g of dried plant for 1 liter of water; 1 cup a day. Indigestion : Infusion of artichoke leaves, 3 g for 1 cup of boiling water. Purge : Infusion of senna, 2 g of leaves for 1 cup of boiling water, sweeten. Nervous sedatives : Infusion of whitepondlily, 0,30 g of flowers for 1 water cup. or Infusion of passion flower, 0,20 g of flowers for 1 cup. or Maceration of valerian, let soak 8 hours, 1 g of root in 100 g of cold water. Vermifuge : Fresh garlic juice makes leave the worms. To mix half a coffee spoon of garlic juice with 1 spoon of olive oil, give this mixture every morning before eat during 4 days. Start again three weeks later to eliminate worms from the remaining eggs. Tapeworm : 1 spoonful of pumpkin seeds powder, mixed with 1 box of sardines, give to eat without anything else during 36 hours. FOR HORSE and DONKEYBronchitis and cough : Wet the hay to avoid dust. and Give 2 to 3 raw carrots or raw garlic and Infusion of elder flowers or of blackcurrant leaves or sage, sweetened with honey. or Infusion of eucalyptus leaves, Infusion of colt's foot, 2 handful for 1 liter of water. Colics meteorism : Give wild fennel, dandelion leaves. or Decoction of dill seeds, 50 g for 1 liter of water. Constipation : Decoction of alder buckthorn bark (dried since at least 2 years), 100 g for 1 liter of water or wine, boil 30 minutes. Diarrhoea : Give a paste made up of : bistort powder 15 g, dried oak bark powder 15 g, honey 50g; quantity for 1 day ; start again the following day if necessary. Gastritis : Decoction of blue mallow, 500 g of leaves for 10 liters of water; make drink tepid. Jaundice : 3 handfuls a day of hop or speedwell. Indigestion with colics : Give to eat very dry hay. et Remove foods which ferment, like peas, broad beans, potatoes, remove roots except carrots. et Powder fodder and oats with 1 handful of dried peeled horse chestnut powder. or Infusion of mint, 30 g for 1 liter of water. Purge : 20 follicles of of senna in 0,25 liter of water, then give garlic, 2 whole bulbs crushed and infused in 0,5 liter of water; in 2 times. Vermifuge : After 1 day of fast, give 2 garlic bulbs grated in wheat bran, or honey, then : raw carrots, couch-grass, blackberry leaves. To prevent worms : To sow in the grazing grounds : couch-grass, fern, ash, broom, black mustard, blackberry, elder. To help parturition : 15 g of of cloves. Asthenia : 0,50 g of dried elecampane roots in honey; quantity for 1 day. Convalescence : Kola nuts, 10 g in honey. or Some oats, with a little tepid water to make it more digestible to which one adds 1 soup spoon of caraway seeds, or 1 handful of acorn powder. Fever : Give cold tea in which one added a little chopped parsley. or Infusion of sorrel, infusion of blackcurrant leaves, or blackcurrant fruits crushed in honey. Wrench : Bathe the leg in hot salted water, then rub the articulation with : olive oil, then put a bandage with a linen soaked in a strong comfrey infusion. Kidneys and urinary tracts : Give wild chicory, cherries stalks, branches of cherry tree, parsley. or Apply a hot compress soaked in an infusion of thyme, or black mustard, or speedwell. Rheumatism : Give a decoction of nettle, 2 handfuls in 1 liter of water, boil 5 minutes. and Give oats, hay, bran. Mix with food : burdock, chopped celery, comfrey, watercress, juniper bark, willow bark, wild curled dock, parsley, cowslip, rosemary. FOR DOGSBronchitis and cough : Infusion of sundew, 5 g of plant for 0,5 liter of boiling water ; quantity for 1 day. or Infusion of bitter milkwort, 5 g of rhizome for 0,5 liter of boiling water, let infuse 15 minutes ; quantity for 1 day. Cardiac tiredness : Decoction of Paraguay tea leaves, 5 g for 100g of water. or Infusion of valerian 10 g of root for 30 g of boiling water ; 1 coffee spoon every hour during the crisis. To increase the appetite : Infusion of roman camomile, 1 pinch of flowers for 1 bowl of boiling water , Infusion of cinnamon, 2 g of powder for 1 bowl of boiling water. Constipation : Drink 1 sweet almond oil coffee spoon. or Infusion of alder buckthorn, 10 g of dried bark (dried since at least 2 years) in 150 g of water, boil 30 minutes, let soak 4 hours, filter. Convalescence : Cola, 1 g of powder in honey or sweetened milk. or Nutmeg, 1 g of nut in sweetened milk or honey. or Decoction of quinquina, 2 g of powder a day. or Let soak in 0,25 liter of red wine, 5 g of quinquina, 5 g of juniper berries, 5 g of gentian, 5 g of cinnamon ; 3 spoon spouns a day. Diarrhoea : Infusion carob pulp powder, 50 g for 1 liter of boiling water. or Infusion of ratanhia, 5 g for 0,5 liter of boiling water; Quantity for 1 day taken in 3 times. or Infusion of purple loosestrife, 0,50 g for 1 liter of water. Digestion to prevent disturbances : Mainly give to eat raw meat to this carnivorous animal. Powder the meat with a soup spoon of chopped parsley, cress, dandelion, celery. To improve digestion : Infusion of condurango, 4 g of root-bark. or Decoction of quinquina, 2 g of powder. Against bad breath : Add chopped wild celery or nettle to the food. Purge : Aloes juice 10 g, + 3 follicules of senna, let soak 4 hours in cold water. Vermifuge : Give 4 garlic pods crushed in a little sweetened milk, 30 minutes later give 1 coffee spoon of castor oil. or Wild rose, 2 chopped berries added to the meal. or Decoction of orange tree root, 1 g for 1 bowl of water Genital haemorrhage : Sweetened decoction of witch-hazel, 5 g of dreid leaves for 1 liter of water, to drink in 1 day. Uterine stimulant at the time parturition : Infusion of bay-tree, 10 g of leaves for 1 liter of water ; 0,5 liter a day. or Infusion of ginger, 0,10 g of powder for 1 bowl of boiling water. To make the milk pass off : Rub the udders with a decoction of witch hazel leaves, 10 g for 100 g of water. or Apply to the udders a cataplasm of fresh parsley leaves. or Infusion of parsley, 10 g of seeds for 1 bowl of boiling water ; 1 bowl every day. To support lactation : Mix 10 g of sugar, 10 g of green anise seeds, 10 g of fennel seeds, crushed ; 2 g 3 times a day. or Infusion of galega, 8 g of dried plant powder for 1 liter of ebulient water, filter ; 1 bowl each day. Hepatic insufficiency : Decoction of artichoke leaves, 0,50 g for 1 liter of water ; 1 cup in the morning, 1 cup in the evening. Jaundice : Give 2 garlic pods crushed in milk, then an infusion of : dandelion or hop or speedwell, 0,30 g for 0,25 liter of water, two spoons at the same time. or Decoction of boldo, 15 g of leaves for 1 liter of water, boil 2 minutes ; 1 coffee spoon for 1 bowl. Urinary haemorrhage : Infusion of bearberry, 1 pinch of dried crushed leaves for 1 bowl of boiling water, filter, sweeten. Dermatoses : Decoction of smilax, 50 g for 1 liter of water ; 2 bowls a day. or Smilax 25 g of powder in honey, quantity for 1 day. Eczema : Give an infusion of meadowsweet or nettle, 50 g of leaves for 1 liter ; 2 soup spoons, twice a day. or Rub the skin with an infusion of blackberry leaves or raw cucumber juice. FOR RABBITTo strengthen rabbits, supplement the food with very fresh oats, cowparsnip, celery, Indian corn leaves, barley, burnet. In winter: beet, cabbage, carrots, cooked and peeled horse chestnuts, cooked potato. Always add a little parsley. Rabbits are very fond of wild chicorey, hedge bindweed. Breast feeding : Give oats. Large belly : Add thyme or 1 handful of broom flowers to the fodder. Ocular infection : Wash the eyes with a light infusion of roman camomile. Vermifuge : Add wormwood, mugwort or tansy to the fodder. BIRDSGive some berries of which birds are very fond of and which maintain their good health : hawthorn, juniper, mistletoe, holly, sloe, elder, privet. or Seeds of oats, corn, teazle, safflower are excellent for parrots. or Seeds of hemp, are exciting, make lay eggs and brood. or Seeds of poppy, make sing. or Seeds of coriander, are digestive. Seeds of fennel, of wild flax, are emollient. or Seeds of Indian corn, are nutritive. or Seeds of gromwell, of chickweed, of barley, refreshing, are fattening, or Seeds of dandelion, of plantain, are emollient, or Seeds of knot-grass, of rice, of buckwheat are heating, or Seeds of sunflower, make brood. Small birds do not like rye. Do not give caraway, parsley, which poisons small birds. HEN and COCKGive all the seeds which one gives to the birds; give also : fruits, raw beets, cooked potatoes, salads. In winter, give berries : hawthorns, acorn, sweet chestnuts, wild rose tree. Constipation : Increase the daily ration of greenery : cabbage, cress, spinach, ricinus. Diarrhoea : Infusion of roman camomile, 15 g of flowered tops for 1 liter of boiling water, give 2 to 3 soup spoons a day in a little wine. Infectious diseases : Give onion. Lay eggs : Seeds of hemp. or Seed and leaves of nettle. or In winter, give dried alga Vermifuge : Give garlic, which is an excellent vermifuge. GOOSE and TURKEYTo maintain good health give garlic, oats, corn, seeds of Marie thistle, sweet chestnuts, acorn, onion, barley. Give berries of hawthorns, of juniper; give seeds of sunflower. Tonic : Make a paste with buckwheat flour to which one adds a pinch of gentian powder and which one wets with curdled milk. Geese look for hemlock which poison them, just as foxglove and henbane which are dangerous. THE DUCKDuck eats all seeds, flours, raw beet, pumpkins, cooked potato. Strengthening for ducklings : Chopped fresh nettle, mix with wheat bran and wet with curdled milk. Give moreover a little salad. THE SWANSwan appreciates all seeds, particularly oats, chopped grass, also bread. It eats also fish, meat, insects as well as frogs. THE PIGEONPigeon appreciates : all seeds (caraway is also good for it), lentils, crushed cooked potatoes, grape pips. Do not give oat to young pigeons, it can perforate their jabot. COMMON CARE TO SHEEP AND GOATTo maintain a good health : Give to eat : leaves of oak, ash, beech, hop, common elm, parsley, burnet, roots of cinquefoil. In winter : oat straw, beets, cabbage. Asthenia convalescence : Elecampane root powder, 10 g in honey. or Nutmeg powder, 3 g mixed with honey or in sweetened water. or Decoction of mate, 15 g in 0,5 liter of water. Indigestion, colic, diarrhoea : 1 head of raw crushed garlic in 1 liter of cold milk, to give by glasses. or Decoction of dill, 130 g of seeds for 1 liter of water, with 10 g of liquorice, boil 5 minutes, let infuse 2 hours. or Sweetened milk with 20 g of vegetal coal. or Infusion of quassia, 5 to 8 g of chips. Mastitis : Apply to the udders : Cataplasm of raw crushed cabbage leaves. or Cataplasm of raw crushed marsh mallow leaves and flowers. or Compress soaked in an infusion of curled dock. Purge : 6 follicules of senna for 1 water bowl. Vermifuge : Decoction of fern, 50 g of rhizome in 0,5 liter of water. SHEEPGive kelp which is rich in iodine, give mustard. To facilitate lambing : Watercress, wild rose, wild raspberry cane, ground ivy, linseeds, mint, bramble. Foot rot : Put the animals in a dry pasture. Give oats, corn, carrot, curly kale, chopped and mixed with molasses. To look after the feet with pine tar. Rheumatism : Add to the food : burdock, celery, common comfrey, ash, common chickweed, parsley. or Salted infusion of rosemary, 80 g of plant for 0,5 liter of water,quantity for 1 day in 1 times. or Rub the articulations with a salted infusion of rosemary. or Rub the articulations with an infusion of elder, 40 g of flowers for 0,5 liter of water. Vermifuge : Garlic, chopped whole plant, mixed with wheat bran or molasses. GOATColic :Give mint and thyme. or Make a gruel of barley with milk and honey, to which one adds 20 g of common elm bark. Constipation : Give all berries, except bilberry. or Give figs, roots of rhubarb, or liquorice powder. Pneumonia : Give pine branches, fresh rosemary. or Decoction of sage, 50 g of fresh leaves for 1 liter of water, boil 2 minutes, filter ; one half-liter per day given by small quantities sweetened with honey. and At the same time cataplasm of black mustard. Sterility : Give : garlic, seeds of corn, dog rose fruits, wild raspberry bush, hop, linseeds, mint, peony roots, Cayenne pepper, licorice, sunflower seeds, varech. Renal disorders : Supplement the food with : asparagus, sheperd's purse, carrot pulp, cherries stalks, cherry tree branches, wild chicory, couch-grass, comfrey, horsetail. BOVINESBronchitis and cough : Dissolve some licorice powder in the water. Colic : Remove all cereals, except barley. Give sweetened milk, 1 liter in which one add 50 g of dill seeds, 20 g of barley flour, 50 g of elm bark powder. Calves diarrhoea : Decoction of ratanhia roots 15 g, and oak apple 15 g, boil 15 minutes in 1 liter of water; To give in 4 times. Cows diarrhoea : Give a paste composed of bistort powder 15 g, oak bark powder 15 g, honey 50 g ; quantity for 1 day. Indigestion, meteorism : 1 head of raw crushed garlic in 1 liter of cold milk, preserve out of stopped bottle; to give 0,5 liter at a time. or Give grated carrots, sunflower seeds. or Infusion of nettle, 5 handfuls for 1 liter of water. or Hot wine of cinnamon, thyme. or Give some hawthorn, dog rose branches. or Give hop, ash, willow, elder branches. or Powder fodder with seeds of coriander, of cumin. Purge : 100 g of aloe leaves juice in honey. Vermifuge : Decoction of fern, 130 g of rhizome. Nephritis : Decoction of pellitory, 100 g of dried leaves in 2 liters of water. Cows anemia : Give some oats, burdock, spiny restharrow, wild chicory, watercress, chickweed, blackberry leaves. or Supplement food with carrots, cabbage, Iceland lichen, varech powder. Asthenia, convalescence : Elecampane roots, 0,50 g of powder mixed with honey ; quantity for 1 day. or Wine : 15 g of quinquina bark, 15 g of juniper, 5 g of cinnamon in 1 liter of wine ; quantity for 1 day. or Mix 40 g of each sweet sedge powder, gentian root, mint leaves, chopped arnica ; 1 handful a day on fodder. Threaten of abortion Give fresh leaves : of hawthorn, of blackcurrant, of wild rose, of strawberry. To increase milk production lavander, wild marjoram, rosemary, sage, thyme can scent milk. and Ash leaves give a bitter taste to milk. Throw each day during 1 week in the drink water, 1 fraction of the following mixture : green anise seeds powder 100 g, fennel seeds powder 100 g, juniper dried berries powder 100 g. or Infusion of galega, 30 g of dried plant for 1 liter of boiling water, filter. or Give fresh plant : anise, borage, watercress, wild rose, fennel, melissa, nettle, tr\E8fle or Give : broad beans, lentil, branches of white willow, heads of sunflower, kelp, dill seeds, coriander seeds . or In winter add to the fodder : dried nettle, to improve butter quality. or Add seeds of flax, buckwheat, sunflower or Give : oats, carrots, Indian corn leaves, marigold. FOR PIGFattening : Add to food a handful of seeds of fenugreek. Tonic : Add to the food of each meal, 2 handfuls of flour : of oats, sweet chestnuts, of barley, buckwheat, rye, pulp of oak acorn without bark. and Give also raw chicory, cabbage, salads, cooked potatoes. Purge : Give 10 g of aloe leaves juice ; (do not exceed 10 g). WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |