CAUTION PLAY IT SAFE : The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. Infusions washings, baths, compress of Robert geranium, agrimony, motherwort, St. John's wort, yarrow, gentian, horsetail, burdock, box, cypress, melilot, rosemary marigold, thyme, colt's foot, lavander or nettle. Marigold cream or compress applied on a wound is disinfectant and improves cicatrization. Crushed plantain leave applied on a wound stops bleeding and facilitates cicatrization. Tincture of garlic : Peel a fresh head of garlic, cut the pods in two, let soak 15 days in 1 liter of brandy, filter, preserve in tinted bottles ; disinfectant in compress on the wounds. Make boil 5 minutes, 200 g of agrimony in 1 liter of red wine, let infuse 1 hour ; apply in compress on the cleaned wound. Compress with a decoction of comfrey, agrimony, St. John's wort, gentian, Robert geranium, cowslip, Lady's Mantle : 5 g of mixture per cup. Wash the wound with : Decoction for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes : of motherwort, 50 g of flowered tops for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes. or agrimony, 80 g of flowered tops and leaves. or angelica, 10 g of root. or snakeroot, 80 g of root. or mugwort, 20 g of flowered tops. or alder, 30 g of bark. or southernwood, 20 g of leaves and flowered tops, add salt in the water. or bistort, 30 g of rhizome. or birtch, 60 g of leaves. or fern, 10 g of rhizome. or juniper, 50 g of berries. or sanicle, 30 g of leaves and roots. or tormentil, 30 g of rhizome. Wash the wound with : Infusion in 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes : wormwood, 10 g of leaves and flowered tops. or catmint, 10 g of flowered tops. or dodder, 30 g of plant. or dog rose, 50 g of leaves. or eucalyptus, 100 g of leaves. or lavander, 60 g of flowered tops. or hazel, 25 g of leaves. or summer savory 50 g of leaves. Apply of the wound : Raw crushed leaves of : yarrow, Lady's Mantle, bennet, self-heal, carpet bugle, Shepherd's Purse, celery, centaury, cabbage, hemp agrimony, strawberry, Robert geranium, houseleek, walnut tree, burnet, plantain, meadowsweet, knotgrass, great burnet, colt's foot or Wild heartsease fresh leaves, crushed in milk. or Cooked leaves in water : burdock, wood betony, leek. or Raw crushed flowers of : german camomile, marigold. or Daisy flowers cooked in water. Apply disinfectant on the wound : Lemon pure juice. or garlic or onion juice mixed with boiled water. WARNING Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor. |